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Flower On Lapel For Wedding

Flower On Lapel For Wedding
  • Product Code: JA104905
  • Availability: In Stock

$187.02 $295.49

A flower on the lapel for a wedding is commonly known as a boutonniere. It is a small floral arrangement typically worn by men on the left lapel of their suit or tuxedo. The boutonniere is a traditional accessory that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to a groom's attire. It is often coordinated with the bride's bouquet and the overall wedding theme. The choice of flower for the boutonniere can vary depending on personal preference, season, and the color scheme of the wedding. Popular flowers used for boutonnieres include roses, carnations, orchids, and lilies. The boutonniere is typically pinned onto the lapel using a small pin or attached with a floral wire. It serves as a decorative element and a symbol of celebration, making it a cherished tradition in weddings.

flower on lapel for wedding

About This Product:

Customizable designs for personalized wedding decor:Our artificial flower decorations can be customized to match your wedding theme and style. Whether you prefer a classic, romantic look or a modern, minimalist design, we can create the perfect flower arrangement for your lapel. With our customization options, you can add a personal touch to your wedding and make it truly unique.

High-quality silk material for a realistic look and feel:Our flower decorations are made from high-quality silk material, which gives them a realistic look and feel. The silk petals are soft and smooth, mimicking the texture of real flowers. This ensures that your lapel flower will look fresh and vibrant throughout the entire wedding day. Our silk flowers are also durable and long-lasting, so you can keep them as a beautiful memento of your special day.

Versatile options for various wedding styles and occasions:Our artificial flower decorations come in a variety of styles and types, including curtain flowers, flower balls, wall hangings, garlands, and corner flowers. This versatility allows you to choose the perfect flower arrangement for your lapel, whether you're having a traditional wedding, a rustic outdoor ceremony, or a modern city celebration. Our flowers are also suitable for other occasions such as parties, anniversaries, and holidays.

Easy to set up and transport for convenience:Our flower decorations are designed to be easy to set up and transport. They come in a package with one flower piece, without a stand, making it convenient for you to attach them to your lapel or any other desired location. The lightweight and compact design also allows for easy transportation, so you can bring your flower decoration with you to different venues or events.

Wholesale options available for bulk orders:If you're planning a large wedding or event, we offer wholesale options for bulk orders. This allows you to save money while still getting high-quality flower decorations for all your guests' lapels. Our wholesale flowers are made with the same attention to detail and quality as our individual pieces, ensuring that every lapel looks stunning. With our wholesale options, you can create a cohesive and beautiful look for your entire wedding party.

Product Parameters
Typewedding decor flower wall arrgement
OriginMainland China
stylecurtain flower/flower ball/wall hanging floral/flower arrangement/garland/corner flower
package1 piece flower (without stand)
festival 1Christmas/New year/Wedding/Valentine's Day
festival 2Thanksgiving day/ party/Mother's day/Father's day
festival3Back to school/Earth day/Graduation/New year
occasionDIY Wedding/party/home/hotel/house/table/office/event/ceremony
WholesalesWholesales flower available
use forOutdoor wedding arch decor, party scene decor, window display, New Year shop decor, hotel floral arrangement
Materialwrought iron arch shelf
typeswrought iron horns arch shelf flower arrangement set

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Related technologies:

1. Realistic and High-Quality Materials: The latest application technologies in artificial flower decorations for wedding lapels focus on using materials that closely resemble real flowers. Advanced manufacturing techniques allow for the creation of petals and leaves that have a natural texture, color, and even a slight sheen, making them almost indistinguishable from fresh flowers. This attention to detail enhances the overall appearance and quality of the lapel flower, ensuring it looks elegant and realistic.

2. Long-Lasting Durability: Artificial flower lapel decorations now incorporate innovative technologies that enhance their durability. These advancements ensure that the lapel flowers can withstand the rigors of a wedding ceremony, including hugs, handshakes, and even accidental tugs. The materials used are often resistant to fading, fraying, and damage, allowing the lapel flower to maintain its pristine appearance throughout the entire event and beyond.

3. Customization Options: Technology has enabled the development of artificial flower decorations that can be easily customized to match the wedding theme or color scheme. Manufacturers now offer a wide range of options, including different flower types, colors, and sizes. Additionally, some companies provide personalized services, allowing couples to request specific flower arrangements or even incorporate sentimental elements, such as birthstones or initials, into the lapel decoration.

4. Easy Attachment Mechanisms: The latest application technologies in artificial flower lapel decorations focus on providing easy and secure attachment mechanisms. Traditional pins or clips have been replaced with innovative solutions, such as magnetic attachments or adhesive backings. These advancements ensure that the lapel flower stays securely in place without damaging the fabric of the groom's suit or causing any discomfort.

5. Scent Infusion: To further enhance the realism of artificial flower lapel decorations, some manufacturers have started incorporating scent infusion technologies. These technologies allow for the addition of subtle floral fragrances to the lapel flowers, creating a multisensory experience for the wearer and those around them. The scents are often long-lasting and can help evoke the ambiance of a fresh flower arrangement, adding an extra touch of elegance to the wedding ensemble.

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1. Regular Cleaning: To maintain the artificial flower decoration on a lapel for a wedding, it is essential to clean it regularly. Use a soft brush or a damp cloth to gently remove any dust or dirt that may accumulate on the petals or leaves. Avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive water, as it may damage the fabric or color of the flower.

2. Storage: Proper storage is crucial to keep the artificial flower decoration in good condition. When not in use, place the lapel flower in a clean and dry storage box or container. Make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause fading or discoloration. Additionally, avoid storing it with other items that may crush or deform the flower.

3. Handling with Care: Artificial flower decorations are delicate, and it is important to handle them with care. When wearing or removing the lapel flower, gently attach or detach it from the lapel to avoid any damage to the fabric or pin. Avoid pulling or tugging on the petals or leaves, as it may cause them to detach or lose their shape.

4. Repair and Maintenance: Over time, the lapel flower may experience wear and tear. To ensure its longevity, regularly inspect the flower for any loose threads, detached petals, or damaged pins. If any issues are found, repair them promptly. Use a small needle and thread to secure loose threads or reattach detached petals. If the pin is damaged, replace it with a new one to ensure a secure attachment to the lapel.

By following these tips, you can maintain and service the artificial flower decoration on a lapel for a wedding, ensuring it looks fresh and beautiful throughout the event.

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Common problems:

Error 1: Flower falling off the lapel

Solution: Ensure that the artificial flower is securely attached to the lapel using a pin or clip. Double-check the attachment before the wedding ceremony and consider using additional adhesive if necessary.

Error 2: Flower color fading

Solution: Use high-quality artificial flowers that are specifically designed to resist color fading. Avoid exposing the flowers to direct sunlight for extended periods. If the color does fade over time, consider replacing the flower with a new one to maintain its vibrant appearance.

Error 3: Flower getting crushed or damaged

Solution: Handle the artificial flower with care to prevent crushing or damaging it. Store the flower in a protective box or container when not in use. If the flower does get damaged, consider using a hot glue gun or fabric glue to repair any loose petals or stems.

Error 4: Flower looking unnatural or unrealistic

Solution: Choose artificial flowers that closely resemble real flowers in terms of color, texture, and shape. Arrange the flower in a natural-looking manner, mimicking the way real flowers would naturally grow. Consider adding some greenery or filler flowers to enhance the overall realism of the arrangement.

Error 5: Flower not staying in place

Solution: If the flower keeps shifting or rotating on the lapel, use a small piece of double-sided tape or a fabric adhesive to secure it in place. Alternatively, you can attach a small wire or floral stem to the back of the flower and insert it into the lapel buttonhole for added stability.

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Application Scenarios:

1. Wedding Boutonnieres: Artificial flower decorations can be used to create beautiful boutonnieres for the lapels of the groom, groomsmen, and other male members of the wedding party. These boutonnieres can be customized to match the color scheme and theme of the wedding, providing a cohesive and elegant look. Artificial flowers are a great choice for boutonnieres as they do not wilt or lose their shape throughout the day, ensuring that the lapel looks fresh and vibrant from the ceremony to the reception.

2. Corsages for Mothers: Another application scenario for artificial flower decorations on lapels is creating corsages for the mothers of the bride and groom. These corsages can be designed to complement the bridal bouquet and other floral arrangements, adding a touch of sophistication and beauty to the mothers' outfits. Artificial flowers are a practical choice for corsages as they can be kept as a keepsake long after the wedding, serving as a reminder of the special day.

3. Guest Lapel Pins: Artificial flower lapel pins can be provided as favors for wedding guests. These pins can be designed to match the overall floral theme of the wedding and can serve as a unique and memorable token for guests to take home. Guests can wear these lapel pins during the wedding ceremony and reception, adding a touch of elegance and unity to the event.

4. Bridal Shower Decorations: Artificial flower lapel decorations can be used to adorn the lapels of the bride and her bridal party during the bridal shower. These decorations can be customized to match the theme and color scheme of the shower, creating a cohesive and visually appealing atmosphere. The artificial flowers can be attached to lapel pins or clips, allowing for easy attachment and removal.

5. Wedding Anniversary Celebrations: Artificial flower lapel decorations can also be used to celebrate wedding anniversaries. Whether it's a milestone anniversary or a small gathering, these decorations can be worn by the couple and their guests to commemorate the special occasion. The lapel decorations can be designed to incorporate the couple's favorite flowers or colors, adding a personal touch to the celebration.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

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I was hesitant about ordering a flower on lapel for my wedding online, but I'm so glad I did. The quality was exceptional and it looked even better in person.


The flower on lapel for my wedding was absolutely stunning! It added the perfect touch of elegance to my groom's suit. Highly recommend!


I received so many compliments on the flower on lapel for my wedding. It was beautifully crafted and stayed in place throughout the entire day.


I searched high and low for the perfect flower on lapel for my wedding and finally found it. It was exactly what I envisioned and made my groom stand out.


The flower on lapel for my wedding was the perfect finishing touch. It added a touch of sophistication and completed the overall look. Love it!


The flower on lapel for my wedding was a standout accessory. It was beautifully crafted and added a touch of elegance to my husband's suit.


Positive Reviews for ID 1894:


The flower on lapel for my wedding was a hit! It added a pop of color and made my groom look even more handsome. Great product!


The flower on lapel for my wedding was exactly what I was looking for. The color matched perfectly with the rest of the wedding theme. Very happy with my purchase.


I couldn't be happier with the flower on lapel for my wedding. It arrived on time and was packaged securely. It looked amazing on my husband!


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